Dear friends, Happy New Year! Like you I have been reviewing the happy and sad moments of 2019 and looking into the future. Amanda and I want to review some of those thoughts with you and plans for 2020. 30th ANNIVERSARY IN CHINA CELEBRATION, Aug. This was for sure the happiest moment of my year. To have some twelve speakers testify to God’s love and grace in the review of our China ministry was quite humbling and joyous for both of us. It was especially wonderful to hear from Pastor David of Beijing and Bartholomew, my dearest Chinese brothers who traveled extensively with me in the roaring 90’s. The video Elena made can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/xnxPUznqmOU

A rare and wonderful treat for me is to have 3 of my siblings join the celebration.

After pastoring in China for 16 years, and moving apartments some 12 times and not having their visas renewed after four rejections and living with me for 18 months, they finally have their own home right here in Va. Beach! We are so happy for them! Pictured are Jill and Elena (14) moving in.

Watching my grandchildren, Hannah Hosanna, Judah Christian and Jonah Chancelor all being baptized in one day was a major highlight back at the reunion.

Now our biggest NEWS!!! Amy has been trying to become a doctor for 20 years. Her Beijing University degree was the start. She tried and tried to get into an American Medical Residency to no avail. But we have BIG NEWS! Amy has been accepted into the Guatemala Medical Residency program and will be a doctor in one year!!! This is so HUGE! We are so happy! We have a breakthrough. God made a way! Amy is going to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor and serve in China as a medical professional. Raise your hands and shout “Praise the Lord” everybody! Thanks for all your love and prayers for this faithful couple. They will be here this week. I am hoping to help them get settled down south in February.

JOSHUA It was a great joy to have Josh in my home for four months. He is writing a book to deal with his generation’s marriage partnership lostness due to promiscuity and misunderstanding of gender roles. It will be called something like “The Resurrection of Marriage” which will help young people choose healthier and earlier marriages. Josh let’s both publish in 2020!

She is teaching dance to young people in L.A. while she has auditioned and sent out 150 applications to perform on stage.
Please keep praying for a breakthrough for her. She is pictured here preparing our Christmas party.

Amanda has one major goal this year: to see president Trump reelected! She is quite a patriot and will be working in the Republican office in 2020. See her picture at HQ.

Pictured is Kevin and Amanda at the CBN Christmas Village.